D&O Abbreviation

Looking for D&O abbreviation? We have got you covered in this guide. We have listed down different possible abbreviations of D&O in various groups like Business, Governmental, Regional, Sports & Games, Computing, and Society & Culture.

FullFormFactory is the largest source of abbreviations generated in different ways using AI and verified by our community. You can see all the abbreviations in different categories popularity-wise followed by the most popular abbreviation of D&O in the image.

Popular abbreviations of D&O:

Searching for D&O abbreviation / D&O full form leads to different results in different categories. The below table illustrates the popular acronyms among them.


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All Abbreviations of D&O in 6 categories:

If you are looking for D&O meaning in a specific category, check out the detailed sections below. We have segregated the acronyms based on their category and grouped them in each section.

D&O abbreviation in Business:

What does D&O mean in Business category? We have listed down 5 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
D&O Directors And Officers Liability
d&o Directors And Officers Liability
D&O Directors & Officers
D&O Development & Operations
D&O Doctrine And Organization

D&O abbreviation in Governmental:

What does D&O mean in Governmental category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
D&O Decision And Order

D&O abbreviation in Regional:

What does D&O mean in Regional category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
D&O Delaware & Otsego

D&O abbreviation in Sports & Games:

What does D&O mean in Sports & Games category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
D&O Dangerous And Offensive

D&O abbreviation in Computing:

What does D&O mean in Computing category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
D&O Description And Operations

D&O abbreviation in Society & Culture:

What does D&O mean in Society & Culture category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
D&O Doctrinal & Organizational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. What is the abbreviation of D&O in Business?
Directors And Officers Liability | Directors And Officers Liability | Directors & Officers | Development & Operations | Doctrine And Organization

Q. What does D&O stands for in Governmental?
D&O stands for Decision And Order in Governmental category.

Q. What is the D&O meaning in Regional?
The meaning of D&O is Delaware & Otsego in Regional category.

Q. What is the abbreviation of D&O in Sports & Games?
The full form of D&O is Dangerous And Offensive in Sports & Games category.

Q. What is the abbreviation of D&O in Computing?
The full form of D&O is Description And Operations in Computing category.

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