SBC Abbreviation

Looking for SBC abbreviation? We have got you covered in this guide. We have listed down different possible abbreviations of SBC in various groups like Computing, Trees & Plants, Transport & Travel, Medical, Business, and Society & Culture.

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Popular abbreviations of SBC:

Searching for SBC abbreviation / SBC full form leads to different results in different categories. The below table illustrates the popular acronyms among them.


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What does SBC mean?

A Single-Board Computer (SBC) is a fully functional computer. The CPU, input/output operations, memory, and other features are integrated onto a single circuit board, with RAM pre-installed in a predetermined amount and no expansion ports for external devices.

About SBC:

Since single-board computers are self-contained, they differ from traditional desktop or personal computers in their architecture. The microprocessors utilized are frequently from diverse manufacturers, and the integrated circuits have a higher density.

In terms of configurations, they are now available in two variations: with slot support or without slot support. Because they are used to regulate basic operations, they are also available in various capabilities. Still, some are sluggish and restricted compared to personal computers, as with older models.

Advantages of SBC:

Single-board computers provide several benefits over multi-board computers. Because virtually all of their characteristics are intrinsic to the computer, they are highly integrated. There are many different slot layouts and backplanes to choose from for interconnecting devices. 

Compared to personal computers or laptops, SBCs are inexpensive to create and have a short time to market. They are lower in weight, smaller, more dependable, and consume significantly less power than multi-board computers.

Memory Options of SBC

SBC memory options include RAM, cache (L1 & L2), flash memory, and CompactFlashTM. RAM (Random Access Memory) is the computer’s main memory. The cache holds data frequently accessed by the CPU and memory. The processor frequently uses cache memory, which is a tiny portion of high-speed RAM.

The cache is almost as fast as the CPU. Flash memory is a sort of RAM that can save data even when the power is off. CompactFlashTM is a compact, removable mass storage device launched in 1994. CompactFlash cards use flash technology, a non-volatile storage option that preserves data even when the machine is shut off. These cards follow PCMCIA-ATA specifications.

Ports of SBC

Ports are physical connectors that allow a computer to communicate with a peripheral device such as a printer, a keyboard, or a modem. Serial, parallel, USB, and IEEE 1394 are all options for single-board computers (SBCs) when it comes to ports.

All Abbreviations of SBC in 27 categories:

If you are looking for SBC meaning in a specific category, check out the detailed sections below. We have segregated the acronyms based on their category and grouped them in each section.

SBC abbreviation in Computing:

What does SBC mean in Computing category? We have listed down 8 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Single Board Computer
SBC Session Border Controller
SBC Sub Band Coding
SBC System Basis Chip
SBC Strawberry Clock
SBC Sports Betting Community
SBC Server-Based Computing
SBC Single Board Computer_Home

SBC abbreviation in Trees & Plants:

What does SBC mean in Trees & Plants category? We have listed down 2 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Soil Bearing Capacity
SBC Straw Based Compost

SBC abbreviation in Transport & Travel:

What does SBC mean in Transport & Travel category? We have listed down 2 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Krantivira Sangolli Rayanna railway station
SBC Small Bomb Container

SBC abbreviation in Medical:

What does SBC mean in Medical category? We have listed down 3 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Simple Bone Cyst
SBC Sexual Behaviours Clinic
SBC Southern Bigot Convention

SBC abbreviation in Business:

What does SBC mean in Business category? We have listed down 17 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Ship Building Centre
SBC Swiss Bank Corporation
SBC Security Bank Corporation
SBC Sadharan Bima Corporation
SBC Smart Business Centre
SBC Small Business Corporation
SBC Service Bureau Corporation
sbc Emoyeni Air Charter
SBC Sanofi Biogenius Canada
SBC Singapore Banking Corporation
SBC Standard Business Case
SBC Salem Baking Company
SBC Southeast Banking Corporation
SBC Submarine Boat Corporation
SBC Salter Broadcasting Company
SBC S Best Coffee
SBC Southwestern Bell Corp.

SBC abbreviation in Society & Culture:

What does SBC mean in Society & Culture category? We have listed down 7 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Southern Baptist Convention
SBC Shillong Baptist Church
SBC Southern Baptist Church
SBC Snip Baptist Church
SBC Slow Burning Cocoa
SBC School Of Biblical Christianity
SBC Skin: The Body Cooler

SBC abbreviation in Technology:

What does SBC mean in Technology category? We have listed down 4 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Sensotronic Brake Control
SBC Small Block Chevy
SBC Small Block Chevrolet
SBC Simulation Based Characterization

SBC abbreviation in Miscellaneous:

What does SBC mean in Miscellaneous category? We have listed down 2 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Suicide By Cop
SBC Simply Boh Chup

SBC abbreviation in Indian Railway Station:

What does SBC mean in Indian Railway Station category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation

SBC abbreviation in Job Title:

What does SBC mean in Job Title category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Small Business Consultant

SBC abbreviation in Academic & Science:

What does SBC mean in Academic & Science category? We have listed down 22 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Styrene Butadiene Copolymers
SBC Saudi Building Code
SBC Standard Building Code
SBC South Bank Colleges
SBC Sarawak Biodiversity Centre
SBC Structural Biology Center
SBC Solder Ball Connect
SBC St Bernard’s College
SBC Sophia Blackmore Class
SBC San Beda College
SBC Short Beruit Caps
SBC Sitting Bull College
SBC School of Broadcasting & Communication
SBC Singapore Bible College
SBC Salem Bible College
SBC Structural Biochemistry Center
SBC Sweet Briar College
SBC Solar Blind Channel
SBC Steinbach Bible College
SBC St Boniface College
SBC Sino-British College
SBC St. Brendan’s College

SBC abbreviation in Governmental:

What does SBC mean in Governmental category? We have listed down 12 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Special Backward Caste
SBC Small Business Center
SBC Stevenage Borough Council
SBC Spelthorne Borough Council
SBC Small Bayonet Cap
SBC Small Business Commissioner
SBC Schengen Borders Code
SBC Senior Battalion Chief
SBC School Based Clinics
SBC State Boundary Committee
SBC Specially Backward Classes
SBC Strategic Border Command

SBC abbreviation in Sports & Games:

What does SBC mean in Sports & Games category? We have listed down 2 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Sun Belt Conference
SBC Scottish Basketball Championship

SBC abbreviation in News & Entertainment:

What does SBC mean in News & Entertainment category? We have listed down 11 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
sbc Summary Of Benefits And Coverage
SBC Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation
SBC Singapore Broadcasting Corporation
SBC Samoa Broadcasting Corporation
SBC Somali Broadcasting Corporation
SBC Swiss Broadcasting Corporation
SBC Scandinavian Broadcasting Corporation
SBC Same Bad Chardonnay
SBC Sorbet Cheeks
SBC Seohae Broadcasting Corporation
SBC Single Bound Crew

SBC abbreviation in Regional:

What does SBC mean in Regional category? We have listed down 4 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Santa Barbara Channel
SBC Sonora Baja California
SBC Sanriku Balloon Center
SBC Selbang, Selbang, Papua New Guinea

SBC abbreviation in Associations & Organizations:

What does SBC mean in Associations & Organizations category? We have listed down 19 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Singapore Book Council
SBC Sandusky Bay Conference
SBC Sydney Book Club
SBC Singapore Business Council
SBC Small Boat Club
SBC Secretariat Of The Basel Convention
SBC Small Business Council
SBC Society Of Black Composers
SBC Student Budget Committee
SBC Shamrock Bowl Conference
SBC Scottish Born Chinese
SBC Society Of Belgian Cinematographers
SBC Society For Bioethics Consultation
SBC Student Branch Chapter
SBC State Bicycle Committee
SBC South Bronx Churches
SBC Save Bombay Committee
SBC Spurs Become Champions
SBC Silly Buggers Club

SBC abbreviation in Telecommunication:

What does SBC mean in Telecommunication category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Southwestern Bell Corporation

SBC abbreviation in Maths:

What does SBC mean in Maths category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Schwarz Bayesian Criterion

SBC abbreviation in Computer and Networking:

What does SBC mean in Computer and Networking category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Southern Building Code

SBC abbreviation in Military and Defence:

What does SBC mean in Military and Defence category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Scout Bomber Curtiss

SBC abbreviation in Networking:

What does SBC mean in Networking category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Smart Bitrate Control

SBC abbreviation in Sports:

What does SBC mean in Sports category? We have listed down 2 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Snow Boarding Combined
SBC Swiss Barbecue Championships

SBC abbreviation in Computer Hardware:

What does SBC mean in Computer Hardware category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Scsi (small Computer System Interface) Bus Controller

SBC abbreviation in Space Science:

What does SBC mean in Space Science category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Speed Brake Command

SBC abbreviation in Animal Kingdom:

What does SBC mean in Animal Kingdom category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Stud Book Continental

SBC abbreviation in Airport Code:

What does SBC mean in Airport Code category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Selbang

SBC abbreviation in Arts:

What does SBC mean in Arts category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
SBC Slash And Burn Corporation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. What is the abbreviation of SBC in Computing?
Single Board Computer | Session Border Controller | Sub Band Coding | System Basis Chip | Strawberry Clock | Sports Betting Community | Server-Based Computing | Single Board Computer_Home

Q. What does SBC stands for in Trees & Plants?
Soil Bearing Capacity | Straw Based Compost

Q. What is the SBC meaning in Transport & Travel?
Krantivira Sangolli Rayanna railway station | Small Bomb Container

Q. What is the abbreviation of SBC in Medical?
Simple Bone Cyst | Sexual Behaviours Clinic | Southern Bigot Convention

Q. What is the abbreviation of SBC in Business?
Ship Building Centre | Swiss Bank Corporation | Security Bank Corporation | Sadharan Bima Corporation | Smart Business Centre | Small Business Corporation | Service Bureau Corporation | Emoyeni Air Charter | Sanofi Biogenius Canada | Singapore Banking Corporation | Standard Business Case | Salem Baking Company | Southeast Banking Corporation | Submarine Boat Corporation | Salter Broadcasting Company | S Best Coffee | Southwestern Bell Corp.

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