BDM Abbreviation

Looking for BDM abbreviation? We have got you covered in this guide. We have listed down different possible abbreviations of BDM in various groups like Business, Transport & Travel, Academic & Science, Arts, Educational Degree, and Miscellaneous.

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Popular abbreviations of BDM:

Searching for BDM abbreviation / BDM full form leads to different results in different categories. The below table illustrates the popular acronyms among them.


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What does BDM mean?

A Business Development Manager is a professional mainly associated with the task of growing the business associated and eventually increasing the revenue.

Main Tasks of BDM:

A Business Development Manager is a managerial position that may involve the following tasks :

  • Networking and building professional relationships in the industry, and analyzing the current trends in your industry.
  • Reach out to potential clients in different ways, i.e cold mails, networking events, and articulately present your company services.
  • Preparing business plans and strategies to maximize client base by understanding the customer needs and analyzing the industry.
  • Managing company relations with existing clients, reviewing corporate data and ensuring the eventual growth outcome.
  • Analyzing the different wings of the company i.e production, sales and management and using the data to make important changes to maximize output.

Skill requirements:

The position of a Business Development Manager would require a plethora of skills to excel, some of which are as follows:

  • Interpersonal skills: The job of a Business Development Manager is also people-oriented in the sense that it requires networking with potential clients and building fruitful relations for the company in the industry. Hence good interpersonal skills are important to excel as a Business Development Manager.
  • Educational background in business management, commerce, economics, and related areas is usually an important requirement to work as a Business Development Manager as it exposes the individual to different important concepts necessary for the role such as understanding finances and taxes which further aid in successful business development.
  • Apart from a relevant educational background, work experience in relevant fields such as sales, marketing, and management is also an important requirement to step up as a Business Development Manager.
  • Mergers and acquisitions, reviewing contracts and other legal agreements form an important part of Business Development and hence an executive in Business Development is expected to possess relevant skills in the arena.
  • Salary:

In the United States of America, the average salary of a Business Development Manager ranges from 80K USD to 110K USD with variations depending on skills and experience.

All Abbreviations of BDM in 18 categories:

If you are looking for BDM meaning in a specific category, check out the detailed sections below. We have segregated the acronyms based on their category and grouped them in each section.

BDM abbreviation in Business:

What does BDM mean in Business category? We have listed down 11 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
BDM Business Development Manager
BDM Business Decision Maker
BDM Business Decision Mapping
BDM Becker-DeGroot-Marschak
BDM Benefits Dependency Map
BDM Braddock, Dunn & McDonald
BDM Bernard Dalsin Manufacturing
BDM Business Development Manual
BDM Black Diamond Media
BDM Boeing Design Methods
BDM Banque de Développement du Mali[Development Bank of Mali]

BDM abbreviation in Transport & Travel:

What does BDM mean in Transport & Travel category? We have listed down 2 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
BDM Badami
BDM Air Bandama

BDM abbreviation in Academic & Science:

What does BDM mean in Academic & Science category? We have listed down 5 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
BDM Building Management System
BDM Background Debug Mode
BDM Bateson–Dobzhansky–Muller
BDM 2,3-ButaneDione Monoxime
BDM Blue Draw Metagabbro

BDM abbreviation in Arts:

What does BDM mean in Arts category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
BDM Black Dahlia Murder

BDM abbreviation in Educational Degree:

What does BDM mean in Educational Degree category? We have listed down 2 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
BDM Bachelor of Digital Media
BDM Bachelor of Dental Medicine

BDM abbreviation in Miscellaneous:

What does BDM mean in Miscellaneous category? We have listed down 2 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
BDM Birth, Death And Marriage
BDM Beaster Da Man

BDM abbreviation in Airport Code:

What does BDM mean in Airport Code category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
BDM Bandirma

BDM abbreviation in News & Entertainment:

What does BDM mean in News & Entertainment category? We have listed down 2 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
BDM Brutal Death Metal
BDM Big Damn Movie

BDM abbreviation in Governmental:

What does BDM mean in Governmental category? We have listed down 8 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
BDM Births, Deaths & Marriages
BDM Browning Dual Mode
BDM Bunker Defeat Munition
BDM Bahamas Democratic Movement
BDM Bunker Demolition Munition
BDM Backward Classes, Dalits And Minorities
BDM Biodiversity Monitoring Switzerland
BDM Budget Decision Memorandum

BDM abbreviation in Associations & Organizations:

What does BDM mean in Associations & Organizations category? We have listed down 4 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
BDM Bund Deutscher Mädel
BDM Bundesverband Deutscher Milchviehhalter
BDM Brahmins-Dalits-Muslims
BDM Bund Deutscher Mädel[Association of German Girls]

BDM abbreviation in Society & Culture:

What does BDM mean in Society & Culture category? We have listed down 2 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
BDM Bueno de Mesquita
BDM Brian David-Marshall

BDM abbreviation in Messaging:

What does BDM mean in Messaging category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
BDM Building Design Management

BDM abbreviation in Regional:

What does BDM mean in Regional category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
BDM Bandırma, Turkey

BDM abbreviation in Stock Exchanges:

What does BDM mean in Stock Exchanges category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
BDM Biodiem Limited

BDM abbreviation in Sports & Games:

What does BDM mean in Sports & Games category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
BDM Brain Dead Muppet

BDM abbreviation in Uncategorized:

What does BDM mean in Uncategorized category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
BDM Bund Deutscher M

BDM abbreviation in Military and Defence:

What does BDM mean in Military and Defence category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
BDM Ballistic Defense Missile

BDM abbreviation in Computing:

What does BDM mean in Computing category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
BDM Basic Data Matrix

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. What is the abbreviation of BDM in Business?
Business Development Manager | Business Decision Maker | Business Decision Mapping | Becker-DeGroot-Marschak | Benefits Dependency Map | Braddock, Dunn & McDonald | Bernard Dalsin Manufacturing | Business Development Manual | Black Diamond Media | Boeing Design Methods | Banque de Développement du Mali[Development Bank of Mali]

Q. What does BDM stands for in Transport & Travel?
Badami | Air Bandama

Q. What is the BDM meaning in Academic & Science?
Building Management System | Background Debug Mode | Bateson–Dobzhansky–Muller | 2,3-ButaneDione Monoxime | Blue Draw Metagabbro

Q. What is the abbreviation of BDM in Arts?
The full form of BDM is Black Dahlia Murder in Arts category.

Q. What is the abbreviation of BDM in Educational Degree?
Bachelor of Digital Media | Bachelor of Dental Medicine

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