DPharm Abbreviation

Looking for DPharm abbreviation? We have got you covered in this guide. We have listed down different possible abbreviations of DPharm in various groups like Academic & Science.

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Popular abbreviations of DPharm:

Searching for DPharm abbreviation / DPharm full form leads to different results in different categories. The below table illustrates the popular acronyms among them.


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What does DPharm mean?

DPharm, the abbreviated form of Diploma in Pharmacy, is a career-oriented 2-year diploma course for students who wish to contribute to medical fields apart from being a doctor. It is an entry-level course designated for imparting academic knowledge and skill related to Pharmaceutical science.


  • The candidate should have passed class 12 or equivalent from a recognized board with a minimum of 50% marks on aggregate.
  • The subject combination for class 12 is bound to be either Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics.
  • Relaxation of marks is 10% in the case of SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer), differently-abled, and other categories.


The students opting to study DPharm will have to study the following subjects-

  • Pharmaceutics
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Biochemistry Clinical Pathology
  • Human Anatomy Physiology
  • Health Education Community Pharmacy
  • Antibiotics
  • Hypnotics
  • Pharmacology & Toxicology
  • Drug Store Business Management
  • Hospital Clinical Pharmacy


The students have to appear for the entrance exams conducted, e.g. AU AIMEE, GPAT. Moreover, some states also conduct isolated entrance exams such as WBJEE-Pharmacy (WB), UPSEE-Pharmacy (UP), OJEE-P (Odisha), etc.


As the pandemic elucidated the importance of the health sector the demand and scope for this technical diploma course are increasing day by day. DPharm graduates can work in Pharmaceutical firms, Sales & Marketing dept., Research Agencies, Food & Drug Administrations, Govt. hospitals, Community health centers, etc.

Students can work as Pharmacists, Scientific Officers, Production Executives, Medical Transcriptionists, analytical chemists, R&D executives, Pathological Lab Scientists, etc.

Moreover, for higher studies, students can pursue B.Pharm or secure high-paying jobs at Govt. hospitals.

All Abbreviations of DPharm in 1 categories:

If you are looking for DPharm meaning in a specific category, check out the detailed sections below. We have segregated the acronyms based on their category and grouped them in each section.

DPharm abbreviation in Academic & Science:

What does DPharm mean in Academic & Science category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
DPharm Diploma In Pharmacy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. What is the abbreviation of DPharm in Academic & Science?
The full form of DPharm is Diploma In Pharmacy in Academic & Science category.

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