HB Abbreviation

Looking for HB abbreviation? We have got you covered in this guide. We have listed down different possible abbreviations of HB in various groups like Space Science, Miscellaneous, Medical, Computing, Governmental, and Indian Railway Station.

FullFormFactory is the largest source of abbreviations generated in different ways using AI and verified by our community. You can see all the abbreviations in different categories popularity-wise followed by the most popular abbreviation of HB in the image.

Popular abbreviations of HB:

Searching for HB abbreviation / HB full form leads to different results in different categories. The below table illustrates the popular acronyms among them.


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All Abbreviations of HB in 27 categories:

If you are looking for HB meaning in a specific category, check out the detailed sections below. We have segregated the acronyms based on their category and grouped them in each section.

HB abbreviation in Space Science:

What does HB mean in Space Science category? We have listed down 2 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Handbook
HB High Bay

HB abbreviation in Miscellaneous:

What does HB mean in Miscellaneous category? We have listed down 3 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Happy Birthday
HB Hot Buttered
HB Has A Bass Player

HB abbreviation in Medical:

What does HB mean in Medical category? We have listed down 4 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Hemoglobin
HB Hepatitis B
HB Heart Block
HB Hirano Bodies

HB abbreviation in Uncategorized:

What does HB mean in Uncategorized category? We have listed down 2 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
Hb Hemoglobin
HB Hollow Body

HB abbreviation in Computing:

What does HB mean in Computing category? We have listed down 3 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Honey Bunny
HB Hierarchical Bayes
HB Heavy Barrel

HB abbreviation in Governmental:

What does HB mean in Governmental category? We have listed down 7 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Housing Board
HB House Bill
HB Housing Benefit
HB Health Board
HB High Burst
HB Hydrography Branch
HB Herri Batasuna

HB abbreviation in Indian Railway Station:

What does HB mean in Indian Railway Station category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation

HB abbreviation in Academic & Science:

What does HB mean in Academic & Science category? We have listed down 7 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Human Being
HB Hydrogen Bonding
HB Half Bath
HB Hand Basin
HB Hayya Bina
HB Hydrogenium Bar
HB Half Bleaching

HB abbreviation in Society & Culture:

What does HB mean in Society & Culture category? We have listed down 9 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Home Brew
HB Humphrey Bogart
HB Hard And Black
HB Herbert Bassett
HB Horatio Benedict
HB Hector Birtwhistle
HB Hooked Bead
HB Hippolyte Boulenger, Belgian Landscape Painter
HB Helmut Beyer

HB abbreviation in Transport & Travel:

What does HB mean in Transport & Travel category? We have listed down 4 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Handlebars
HB Horn Blower
HB Harbor Airlines
HB Hampton And Branchville Railroad

HB abbreviation in Banking:

What does HB mean in Banking category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Huntington Bank

HB abbreviation in Chemistry:

What does HB mean in Chemistry category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB H Bonding

HB abbreviation in Regional:

What does HB mean in Regional category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Hawkes Bay

HB abbreviation in Sports & Games:

What does HB mean in Sports & Games category? We have listed down 6 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB House Block
HB Havnar Bóltfelag
HB Hit Batsman
HB Heel Ball
HB Hit Batters
HB Heptathlon Bests

HB abbreviation in Maths:

What does HB mean in Maths category? We have listed down 3 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Hopf Bifurcation
HB Homogeneously Broadened
HB Hilbert-blumenthal

HB abbreviation in Arts:

What does HB mean in Arts category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Huggy Bear

HB abbreviation in Physics Related:

What does HB mean in Physics Related category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Hot Bands

HB abbreviation in Technology:

What does HB mean in Technology category? We have listed down 2 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Harmonic Balance
HB Hay Burner

HB abbreviation in Animal Kingdom:

What does HB mean in Animal Kingdom category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Horse Boards

HB abbreviation in Messaging:

What does HB mean in Messaging category? We have listed down 3 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB How Boring
HB Hurry Back
HB Handsome Boy

HB abbreviation in Trees & Plants:

What does HB mean in Trees & Plants category? We have listed down 2 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Hordeum Bulbosum
HB Honey Brick

HB abbreviation in Country Specific:

What does HB mean in Country Specific category? We have listed down 2 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Hobsons Bay
HB Humboldt Bay

HB abbreviation in Business:

What does HB mean in Business category? We have listed down 3 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Horizontal Branch
HB Hotchkiss Brandt
HB Hillenbrand Industries, Inc.

HB abbreviation in Military and Defence:

What does HB mean in Military and Defence category? We have listed down 2 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Half Battered
HB Heavy Boat

HB abbreviation in Associations & Organizations:

What does HB mean in Associations & Organizations category? We have listed down 3 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Housing Bureau
HB Herbert Berghof
HB Handelsstandens Boldklub

HB abbreviation in News & Entertainment:

What does HB mean in News & Entertainment category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Helices B

HB abbreviation in Electronics:

What does HB mean in Electronics category? We have listed down 1 abbreviations. Here are the details:

Term Abbreviation
HB Horizontal Bridgeman (crystal)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. What is the abbreviation of HB in Space Science?
Handbook | High Bay

Q. What does HB stands for in Miscellaneous?
Happy Birthday | Hot Buttered | Has A Bass Player

Q. What is the HB meaning in Medical?
Hemoglobin | Hepatitis B | Heart Block | Hirano Bodies

Q. What is the abbreviation of HB in Computing?
Honey Bunny | Hierarchical Bayes | Heavy Barrel

Q. What is the abbreviation of HB in Governmental?
Housing Board | House Bill | Housing Benefit | Health Board | High Burst | Hydrography Branch | Herri Batasuna

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